Showing posts with label wishes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wishes. Show all posts

June 4, 2010

my bucket list.

“The use of traveling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things may be, to see them as they are.” Samuel Johnson

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” – Henry Miller

“Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.” – Miriam Beard

These are places I want to find peace in. I would love to travel the world, find places where I can be inspired. I want to find these places. Stay for a while and learn all about them. my bucket list.

*all pictures are from*

June 2, 2010

a letter to you.

I've been a little mia the past month or so, because really this thing is consuming me. Literally making my stomach sink when i think about it. so I'm writing this letter to someone here to just get some things off my mind.

To you,

Do you remember how great things used to be? What happened? No body really understands. You were the one who told me, "nothing is better than this, don't let anyone fool you." And every day I live like this, why don't you anymore? Do you notice it isn't there, you can't spin it anymore.  What's it like over there, up there, in there? You've compartmentalized us out, and refuse to let us in. We are so close yet I feel we are on different sides of the planet.  Why did I have to find out like that, couldn't you just tell me? I just want to  understand. Not that anyone really can because we aren't you, but you have a way with words anyways, can't you pick up the phone, meet me and try to explain?  A letter would do, too-the old fashion kind. Do you remember how happy you were? Is that ball of curls a reminder of it? What's your take on it?


April 12, 2010

sometimes i think to myself, self what you've got here is pretty great...

dear me,
life is great, don't forget that. ever. sometimes you do. 
what you've got is a blessing compared to so many others in this world. 
don't let people get in the way of your happiness, they aren't worth it. 
if you have to do something extra to become someone's friend you don't need them.
waking up early with coffee and a good read, is your favorite way to start your day.

go outside even when the pollen makes you want to curl up in a ball and sleep. 
don't underestimate the power of a good night's sleep, or a nap for that matter. 
don't let people tell you that coffee and fancy drinks are bad for you, because they make you so happy, for some odd reason. 
don't forget to smile at people, because when people smile at you it makes your day. 

remember that you love the color green, especially in spring when it is more abundant that ever. 
don't forget to tell your friends how much you miss them, and always make time for them.
just because sleeping is one of your favorite things to do, don't let it get in the way of life. 
sing in the car with all the windows down, you love it. 
don't forget that your puppy loves you, and will hug you anytime she can--and those walks you take with her, she loves them, and they clear your mind. 

when you get frustrated, cleaning or going for a run is a lot better way to let your anger out that yelling and cursing, even if that's what you feel like doing. 
don't be afraid of what you are thinking, even if it isn't the same as anyone else, be bold with your thoughts. 
don't let creativity scare you, you're better at it than you think. 
being fearless is hard, but it is a great way to live your life. 
don't get too caught up with schedules, although they make you feel in control, you're not... the Man upstairs is
don't ever forget how much you love the short conversations you have at night with the man of your dreams, he always tells you he loves you, and you believe it even more each night. 
you love your family, especially when you sit on the patio and talk about random nothings.

keeping your room clean makes you feel more relaxed, it is worth the extra effort. 
when times get tough, pray. 
Don't rely on yourself, we weren't designed to do that.
when you give others advice, make sure you are applying it to your own life. 
remember to love yourself, if you're not loving yourself how can you love others?

March 27, 2010

to be anywhere.


i have always wanted to travel to greece.
i'll admit it stemmed from gilmore girls.
i love alexis bledel.
so sisterhood of the traveling pants...head over heels in love with it.
but in all honesty, who wouldn't want to be there?
it is romantic
and beautiful
forget that they don't speak english, i think i can manage...
i wish i could immerse myself in the cities on the cliffs.
and being there with you, would be the cherry to this sundae.

photos via

February 24, 2010

a need. for sure

both of these beautiful clutches are from emersonmade and i pretty  much have to have them.  They are perfect! flowers and adorable details are a must right now in my life! either would be the perfect addition to my spring wardrobe! 

January 19, 2010

days go by

this will be a quicky...or hope so!

Jennifer from I'm Just A Girl gave me an award this week! I promise I will pass it along as soon as I get out from underneath this work load and find some free time to do it justice....If you haven't seen Jennifer's blog, run to it right now to check that puppy out, it is so wonderful!

it's beautiful days like today that i wish and throw i mild tantrum that i don't carry a camera with me everywhere. 


Today I am rocking a shirt from a designer consignment shop called Dress. the shirt is a grey/silver silk by some designer named Walter. Walter designed a $165 (beautiful, yet overpriced) shirt which I purchased yesterday for $70.03 after tax.  This is by far the most expensive shirt i have ever bought, yet i love it. and i am glad for my purchase. Along with this shirt, i am wearing my dark denim skinny jeans with black flats that have gigantic bows on them.... i will admit that i am a sucker for shoes!

Today between classes I had some time to sit in what we call the Court of Carolina's on State's campus.  IF you know naything about NC State, it is known for the ugly brick everywhere.  But I still stand by the fact that the oldest part of campus, surrounding the Court of Carolina's is beautiful.  I love sitting there on the hill basking in the sun, hoping someone comments on my new shirt. It is so warm here that i was able to shed my shoes and enjoy the sun, and with the lighting, i am sure i could have gotten a few real cute pictures of my toes and adorable shoes! but until then...

this is the court of carolinas. I was lying in front of that beautiful building called the 1911 building.

January 12, 2010

stress: physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension

today ladies was a wake up call
yesterday my one class for the semester seemed super exciting--grated if i actually am able to enroll in it.
today is a different story so far.
class number 1 PR Application
one group project for the entire semester
with a group that has two different opinions on what we should do
class number 2 Shakespeare's Late Plays
since when have i loved or understood shakespeare?
oh yea, never
and since when have i been able to keep up with a 100 miles an hour teacher
oh yea, never.
yet i still have a 3rd class of the day Media and News writing
maybe it will be better
but after looking over the syllabus, may be close to impossible.

i am trying to look at this semester as a challenge
i want to find the good in it.
i am pushing my boundaries and taking real college classes with hard professors who think the world of themselves
i want to learn about these subjects, even grow to possibly love Shakespeare

we will see how it goes
i can't afford to drop any of the classes either so a challenge it will be

last semester i worked hard and it payed off with great, outstanding grades
this semester may be a different story
hopefully if i keep organized, stay motivated and keep up with my work load we will be OK.
(we as in my mind, body and soul)
i will keep you updated...

hopefully the seemingly impossible will become possible!

December 30, 2009


Dear 2009,

How did you come and go so quickly? I hardly even remember last new years! I also apologize for not making any new years resolutions at the birth of 2009.  Hopefully 2010 will be more goal oriented!

With hopes for the new year,

Dear 2010,

Thank you for coming! I have a few goals this year. I would greatly appreciate the much needed motivation so that I can accomplish my goals for more than a few weeks.
  • I want to stay in shape. This may be hard due to the fact that walking to class has been eliminated from my daily schedule, and going to the gym requires an extra 2-3 hours out of my day!
  • I want to get organized.  But for real organized.  It needs to be functional.  I tend to put things in groups, but they aren't functional groups...usually they are hard to get to and annoying to take the time and put them away.
  • I would love to stay on top of my grades, and keep them up, BUT without the loss of enjoying time with friends, family and of course preston!
  • I want to get inspired.  Recently I have been in to attempting to dig up my "artsy" and "creative" self from deep beneath the paper writing machine I have become. Maybe taking pictures and scrapbooking will help!
  • I would also like to stay on budget this year! I know, it seems awful 2010 that I have never been on an actual budget, but this year I'm determined.  I need to learn how to not just save for my next purchase, but save for my future! (you know, that wedding in a few years--fingers crossed!)
  • I want to spend more time for myself. Being a coffee lover I would love to spend mornings sipping and reading and thinking....and what ever else I can force my body to do that early.
  • I also do not want to give up.  Never give up.  Make each moment worth while. If one cliche explains my goals the best it is Live, Laugh, Love.  So what cliche, you describe who I want to be in 2010.
Thanks 2010 for listening to my goals.... I will probably write them down somewhere on my wall so I don't forget them.  Hopefully you will be proud as 2011 rolls around.

fingers crossed,

bring it on 2010

    December 29, 2009

    over, already? or just beginning...

    wow, it's hard to believe Christmas has come and gone, and 2010 is right around the corner!
    although my trip to Sanibel was wonderful,

    being home and seeing my friends and preston has been amazing as well.
    school is right around the corner again, so i'm trying to muster up the courage to keep it going for another semester!
    with friends going out of the country, mhhhmmm natalie,  it may be a bit of a difficult semester!
    but i am so happy for lovely nicole, who is engaged to such a great guy (preston's brother, josh).

    recently i have been extremely marriage and baby crazy.
    i know of seven ladies who got engaged over this holiday season, making me only the tiniest bit jealous.
    and i know of quite a few ladies who had precious children within the last few months...
    then i have to smack myself and remember that God has a plan for each of us!
    and... i'm only 20, with 3 more semesters of school.
    my boyfriend is fabulous i know this, and that is one reason why i want to have "proof" that we will be together forever...

    so here's to all those who have wishes beyond their control this new year,
    be grateful for what you have,
    be patient while you wait

    it will all come in good time.
    love where you are and who you are with 