April 12, 2010

sometimes i think to myself, self what you've got here is pretty great...

dear me,
life is great, don't forget that. ever. sometimes you do. 
what you've got is a blessing compared to so many others in this world. 
don't let people get in the way of your happiness, they aren't worth it. 
if you have to do something extra to become someone's friend you don't need them.
waking up early with coffee and a good read, is your favorite way to start your day.

go outside even when the pollen makes you want to curl up in a ball and sleep. 
don't underestimate the power of a good night's sleep, or a nap for that matter. 
don't let people tell you that coffee and fancy drinks are bad for you, because they make you so happy, for some odd reason. 
don't forget to smile at people, because when people smile at you it makes your day. 

remember that you love the color green, especially in spring when it is more abundant that ever. 
don't forget to tell your friends how much you miss them, and always make time for them.
just because sleeping is one of your favorite things to do, don't let it get in the way of life. 
sing in the car with all the windows down, you love it. 
don't forget that your puppy loves you, and will hug you anytime she can--and those walks you take with her, she loves them, and they clear your mind. 

when you get frustrated, cleaning or going for a run is a lot better way to let your anger out that yelling and cursing, even if that's what you feel like doing. 
don't be afraid of what you are thinking, even if it isn't the same as anyone else, be bold with your thoughts. 
don't let creativity scare you, you're better at it than you think. 
being fearless is hard, but it is a great way to live your life. 
don't get too caught up with schedules, although they make you feel in control, you're not... the Man upstairs is
don't ever forget how much you love the short conversations you have at night with the man of your dreams, he always tells you he loves you, and you believe it even more each night. 
you love your family, especially when you sit on the patio and talk about random nothings.

keeping your room clean makes you feel more relaxed, it is worth the extra effort. 
when times get tough, pray. 
Don't rely on yourself, we weren't designed to do that.
when you give others advice, make sure you are applying it to your own life. 
remember to love yourself, if you're not loving yourself how can you love others?


  1. That is so beautiful! And the images are lovely too. I think we need to write more 'letters' to ourselves.

  2. Dear Alexandria, you are always reminding me to do things and feel things I often forget. You don´t even mean to do it, it´s the way you live your life that I admire and try to emulate.

  3. In love with this post. I want to try something similar, a letter to myself as well. "when you give others advice, make sure you are applying it to your own life." "don't let people tell you that coffee and fancy drinks are bad for you, because they make you so happy, for some odd reason." Two of my favorites.. I am printing this out and putting it on my desk.


    Hannah Katy
