March 3, 2010

feet tuesday! on wednesday!

hey lovelies! i hope everyone has had a fabulous week so far! 
AND i do realize that today is Wednesday (i am not crazy, although some may argue that!) 
BUT i took some real sweet feet pictures just for miss nicole addison's

here are my friend's real cute feet!

anywho, i reached a new peak in self esteem tonight 
i ran/jogged for 31 minutes on the treadmill! 
without walking!! 
which has NEVER happened in this lady's life! 
and even with the awkward looks and laughs i got for my mini dance episodes and mouthing the words to every song, i still had a great time doing it! 
and i REALLY NEVER thought i would EVER say that i actually ENJOYED running! 
it was great!


  1. congrats :] ! I love getting looks from people when I go to the gym, it makes me giggle! haha

    Btw, that picture is great!

  2. Oh I need to run!!! I feel guilty! haha

  3. Love the shoes! Sorry haven;t been over here in a while. Been so busy but I am back now! Love your posts this past week. Just got thru reading them!
