January 28, 2010

work or play?

For my internship at Weddings Magazine I was given the task of blogging. I did my first one last week and I have a few drafts in there waiting to be posted.  It is hard though to do this since we try to stick to our advertisers.  Especially when I find really neat things that have nothing to do with our area! anyways, go check out the blog and let me know what you think about it (we are still in the process of designing the background and stuff) it is basic and has been very simple since my boss started.  Now we are ready to kick it up a notch, so let us know!! 


  1. That's cool that you get to blog for work :) I checked out the page and it's cute, can't wait to see the finished product!

  2. hey babe how ar eyou?? i miss you:( can we truck through the snow and hang out? haha love u!

  3. Ohh you love weddings too!! (let's be honest, who doesn't?!) I checked out the blog and I LOVE it!

  4. Visited, and it's very classic...as every wedding should be. I think it needs a pretty header though. You should do it :)
