December 22, 2009

12 hours later...Sanibel

we finally arrived in florida this morning at 3:00 am... yes we drove ALL night!

this is the sunset in from I-40 last night!
i'm glad we are here though, it is about 70 out! and beautiful! i can't wait to share all my pictures with everyone! I forgot to take my camera to the beach, and of course there were things everywhere to take pictures of! but here are a few!

we had a model, while we were out fishing! my grandma said that the yellow on his head means that he is a young pelican.

i love being at the beach, like i said in earlier posts, i couldn't choose between the mountains and the beach.
it is absolutely breathtaking here.
i woke up to coffee on the back porch over looking the marina from my grandparents new home. 
we walked to breakfast, walked on the beach and i have loved every second of it.
Sanibel gives the word relaxing a new meaning.  if you have never been here before, you should come.
although, having Christmas in 70 degree weather... as nice as it is, seems slightly off!

i saw this coffee mug at the Grove Park Inn on my trip to the mountains, and i love the quote!
we should all live by it

what is everyone doing for the holidays?*


  1. It looks amazing! I would say I love the beach most but that could be because I've never really been to the mountains. That sunset is the most beautiful colour! I'm so glad you were able to capture it!

    And that coffee mug is awesome! I would love it. Great quote too!

    Holidays...mainly working and getting ready for my wedding :)

  2. your blog is really cute, i'm now following it!! tangerinehearts (katy) is one of my best friends. sanibel is gorgeous, my mom and her bf went there last december and thought it was paradise!

  3. Ooooh it looks so pretty there!! I love warm places <3 I hope you have a great holiday in Florida! Thanks for following my blog by the way, I'm pretty new to this too and it's so fun to discover new & interesting blogs, I think yours is fab :)

  4. oh my goodness do i ever know what you mean by Christmas in 70 degree weather feeling a bit off... i live in s.texas and more often than not we have warm Christmases and every year it doesn't seem right.

  5. What a lovely sunset! Hard to imagine having a warm Christmas.

  6. Ohhhhhhh, I haven't been to Sanibel in SO long. Must plan a getaway STAT!
